Thursday, September 20, 2012

Reception of Novices and Professions in other Dominican Provinces

While the Irish Dominican friars are celebrating the reception of five new novices and the first profession of two of our brothers, we extend our prayerful and fraternal good wishes to other provinces of the Order who are also receiving novices and professions. As you will see from the images and videos below, the Order is continuing to attract many men to follow in the footsteps of Saint Dominic. Please pray for them and for their perseverance in our way of life.

The Toulouse province in France receive six novices in Marseille on September 15th

The Western Province in the United States received six new novices into their province on August 30th last. I had the honour of meeting Br Thomas (second from left) during the summer while he was on holidays in Ireland.
 The Western Province in the USA also celebrated the first profession of four brothers on September 2nd.
 The province of England has four new novices - they were clothed in the habit on September 16th
The English Dominicans receive the solemn profession of Bro Nicholas Crowe OP in Oxford on September 16th
The French province celebrated the first profession of four brothers at Strasbourg on September 8th.
Twelve brothers make first profession in the Saint Joseph Province USA at the end of August
The Polish province receive ten new novices on August 19th
The Croatian Dominican friars receive 5 men into their novitiate on September 1st

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